Fluid protocol roadmap

Fluid's roadmap outlines our strategic vision and development trajectory, starting with our initial launch based on the Liquity model and progressively introducing advanced features and capabilities. Our journey is focused on enhancing the Sei DeFi ecosystem, with a clear path towards innovation and growth.

Phase 1: Launch and Establishment

  • Initial Deployment: Launching Fluid with the core functionality inspired by Liquity. This includes the introduction of Troves, Stability Pool, and the acceptance of Sei as the sole form of collateral.

  • Sai Stablecoin Launch: Rolling out our stablecoin, Sai, as a reliable and essential element of the Fluid ecosystem

Phase 2: Enhancement of Sai and Integration with Other Protocols

  • Sai Growth: Focused on expanding the utility and reach of Sai within and beyond the Fluid platform. This includes partnerships with other protocols and enhancing Sai's functionality.

  • Protocol Integrations: Integrate Fluid with other Sei network protocols to enhance liquidity, stability, and utility of Sai.

Phase 3: Introduction of Automated Leveraging

  • Automated Leveraging Tools: Developing and launching user-friendly tools for automated leveraging. This feature will enable users to easily amplify their market exposure within the Sei ecosystem.

  • Educational and Risk Management Resources: Alongside automated leveraging, provide comprehensive educational materials and risk management tools to assist users in making informed decisions.

Phase 4: Diversification of Collateral Types

  • Inclusion of Additional Collateral: Gradually expand the range of accepted collateral beyond Sei. This will include liquid staking tokens and possibly other high-value, liquid digital assets.

  • Restaking Tokens: Explore the possibility of accepting restaking tokens as collateral, further diversifying the collateral base and enhancing the overall stability and attractiveness of the Fluid ecosystem.

Last updated